Servo Tank Gauge with Servo-controlled Feeler

A servo tank gauge with a servo-controlled feeler is an advanced system used for precise level measurement in storage tanks. This type of gauge combines a servo motor with a feeler mechanism to accurately determine the level of liquid in a tank. Here are the main components and functionalities of such a system:

Components of a Servo Tank Gauge with Servo-controlled Feeler

Servo Motor:

  • The servo motor is the key component that controls the movement of the feeler. It ensures precise positioning and smooth operation.


  • The feeler is a sensing device that comes into contact with the liquid surface. It is often a displacer or a float that moves up and down with the liquid level.

Measurement Tape or Wire:

  • A tape or wire connects the feeler to the servo motor. This tape or wire moves with the feeler and provides feedback on its position.

Position Encoder:

  • The position encoder is an integral part of the servo motor system. It precisely measures the position of the feeler and provides accurate data on the liquid level.

Control Unit:

  • The control unit processes the signals from the position encoder and controls the servo motor. It ensures the accurate positioning of the feeler and the correct interpretation of the level data.

Display and Interface:

  • The display unit shows the measured liquid level in real time. The interface allows operators to set parameters, calibrate the system, and perform diagnostics.

Communication Module:

  • Modern servo tank gauges often include communication modules for remote monitoring and integration with other systems. These can use protocols like HART, Modbus, or proprietary interfaces.

Functionality of a Servo Tank Gauge with Servo-controlled Feeler

Level Measurement:

  • The primary function of the servo tank gauge is to measure the liquid level in the tank. The servo motor adjusts the position of the feeler until it reaches the liquid surface. The position encoder measures this position and sends the data to the control unit.

Density Measurement:

  • Some advanced systems can also measure the density of the liquid. By observing the force required to displace the feeler, the system can calculate the liquid density.

Temperature Compensation:

  • The system can include temperature sensors to compensate for temperature variations. This ensures accurate level measurement even in varying temperature conditions.

Interface Detection:

  • The servo tank gauge can differentiate between different liquid interfaces, such as oil and water, in the tank. This is useful for applications involving multiple liquid layers.

Remote Monitoring and Control:

  • With the communication module, operators can remotely monitor the tank level and control the gauge. This feature is essential for integrating the tank gauge into a larger control system or for use in remote locations.

Alarm and Safety Functions:

  • The system can be programmed to trigger alarms if the liquid level goes beyond set limits. This helps in preventing overfills, leaks, and other hazardous situations.

Applications of Servo Tank Gauges with Servo-controlled Feelers

Petroleum and Chemical Industries:

  • Used in storage tanks for precise measurement of various liquids, including crude oil, refined products, and chemicals.

Food and Beverage Industry:

  • Ensures accurate measurement of ingredients and finished products in storage tanks.

Pharmaceutical Industry:

  • Provides precise level measurement in tanks containing pharmaceuticals and related products.

Water and Wastewater Management:

  • Used in tanks and reservoirs for monitoring water levels and managing wastewater.

LNG and Cryogenic Applications:

  • Suitable for measuring levels in tanks containing liquefied natural gas (LNG) and other cryogenic liquids due to their high precision and reliability.

A servo tank gauge with a servo-controlled feeler is a sophisticated and precise tool for level measurement in various industrial applications. Its ability to provide accurate data, coupled with remote monitoring capabilities, makes it an essential component in modern tank management systems.