Digital Density Meter

Measuring the density and specific gravity at a given temperature, density meters are especially useful when working with viscous liquids or difficult gases.

Portable or benchtop densitometers have high storage potentials for easy comparisons of collected data.

Used in various research or product-developing industries to check batch consistencies, the digital devices guarantee quality control. The flexible density meters will accommodate common cuvette and tube sizes for highly accurate readings.

Tank gauge LTD (Level-Temperature- Density) mass custody transfer technologies

Two types of measurement methods are used for tank gauge LTD (Level-Temperature- Density) mass custody transfer: volume or mass based. In a volume based system, level is measured. In a mass based system, the measurement of the hydrostatic pressure of the liquid column is used. The users choice should, therefore, be based on how product inventory is calculated and accounted via volume or weight.

Both methods provide a direct measurement of one factor in the inventory equation, level or pressure. However, bulk storage tanks tend to have large diameters, store products with varying densities that can stratify, and require consideration for high tank levels and overfill protection. A small change in level can make a big difference in accountable volumes (level x diameter), while stratification can lead to level changes that are undetectable by mass based systems. Varec, therefore, recommends level (volume) based measurement systems.

Float and Tape Tank Gauge LTD (Level-Temperature- Density) Mass Custody Transfer

These instruments have been the liquid level measurement technique of the petroleum tank gauging market for over 90 years due to their simplicity, reliability and cost.

Float and tape tank gauge LTD (Level-Temperature- Density) mass custody transfer solution consists of a ATG selected for the appropriate tank type. The instrument provides a measurement to +/- 4 mm accuracy and tank side display that is suitable for inventory management to API specifications. If control room integration and volumetric calculations are required, a tank gauge LTD mass custody transfer transmitter is recommended with a STS for spot temperature measurement. The selection of the transmitter often depends on the required or existing field communications and protocols.

How does a servo gauge system works?

The servo gauge system uses the small displacer. The displacer has buoyancy, but on the liquid it does not float. The displacer must be held on top of the tank by a thin wire linked to the servo gauge.

A servo weighing system senses the tension in the wire, signals from the weighing mechanism control an electrical motor in the servo unit and the displacer follows the liquid level movements.

An electronic transmitter sends the field bus level data to the control room reader. A still pipe is needed wherever a servo gauge is installed to prevent the displacer from drifting in the tank. In fixed roof tanks, this is also required.

Benefits of the Reverse Float Level Gauge

While the level indicator isn’t intended for precise monitoring or metering, it reliably provides a basic, easy to read indication of your chemical storage tank’s capacity. The level gauge is ideal for facilities that need to know when to refill their tanks, but don’t need precise volume numbers.

The reverse float level gauge provides additional benefits, including:

  • No stains on the clear pipe from chemicals or UV attack.
  • No siphoning of the tank if the pipe breaks, because there is no chemical in the external pipe.
  • The internal float is designed to work with 1.0 to 1.8 specific gravity fluids.
  • No chemical burns or chemical spurts on operators.
  • Reverse calibration tape can be added for tank capacity.
  • Provides mechanical verification of ultrasonic or other electronic level sensor.
  • Standard or free-standing pipe supports are available.

The reverse float level system can be used on almost any tank, including double-walled SAFE-Tanks. There are different dome mounted fittings used for the reverse float level gauge. If the fitting is installed on the flat you can use a PVC or SS bulkhead fitting. On the curvature of the dome you must use the universal ball dome fitting or made vertical curved fitting.

Conventional tank gauge for LPG LNG solutions

There are five common automatic tank gauge solutions widely used for both inventory and custody applications.

Manual gauge

This solution is the reference for all other solutions, and it utilizes a dip tape. Manual gauge uses either the innage (from the top flange to the bottom of the tank) or ullage (from the top flange to the top liquid layer) method to measure the total liquid level inside the tank. API MPMS chapter 3.1A covers the procedure and requirement for manual gauge, which is normally three consecutive readings with a difference not exceeding ±3 mm.

Float and tape gauge

This solution uses a float attached to a spring via a perforated tape. The spring provides constant tension, which balances the float on the liquid level. The perforated tape is connected to a mechanical counter assembly.

Servo gauge

The servo gauge uses the displacement measurement principle. A small displacer (weight) on a measuring wire from a drum is accurately positioned and balanced in the liquid medium using a servomotor. These devices can meet the inventory and custody accuracy requirements.

Radar tank gauge

Radar tank gauge (RTG) is the most common solution for tank gauge. It used to be the Saudi Aramco standard tank gauge for LPG LNG solution for inventory tanks. This technology is microwave-based, which measures the distance from the top connection to the liquid surface. The two available techniques are frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) and time-of-flight time domain reflectometry (TDR). These devices can meet the inventory and custody accuracy requirements.

Hydrostatic tank gauges

A hydrostatic tank gauge for LPG LNG system has up to three pressure transmitters and one temperature transmitter. Two pressure transmitters are installed close to the bottom of the tank and are used to calculate the density. A third transmitter measures the vapor pressure at the top of the tank to increase the accuracy.

Advantages of liquid level gauge

At the scene of the liquid level level of the industry, we can see all kinds of different measurement principle, structure and appearance of different liquid level measuring instrument, including magnetic liquid level meter, float level gauge, radar level gauge, turning into type level gauge, ultrasonic level meter, are more common type of liquid level meter, each kind of level gauge has the adaptive measurement conditions, in meet the working conditions of instrument measurement, can maximize the efficacy of liquid level measurement, and also be helpful for the service life of the instrument.

However, for so many instrument varieties, how to make the correct selection, so that every novice instrument users have a headache.The following is a brief analysis of the commonly used liquid level instruments in various places, hoping to help you.

A.Input level gauge

The advantages of the input level gauge are high measuring accuracy.Convenient equipment;Signals can be transmitted to remote control;Different materials can be selected to resist the corrosion of various media;Suitable for explosion-proof applications;The price is moderate.

B.Float level gauge

Floating ball level gauge is a method to measure liquid level based on buoyancy principle.Usually by means of a float and scale, the observer can visually read the height of the liquid level.

Strengths: fast, intuitive reading;Low prices;Simple equipment.

C.Magnetic flip gauge

Magnetic flip plate liquid level gauge is based on the magnetic float installed in the inside of the container and the magnetic flip plate outside of the flapper to complete signal transformation and liquid level display.

Strengths: fast, intuitive reading;Lower prices;Complete remote transmission and conditioning.

D.Capacitive level gauge

Capacitive level gauge is used to measure the concave and convex liquid surface by changing the capacitance value between the two electrode plates.

Advantages: small size, simple remote transmission and conditioning;Suitable for corrosive and high pressure media.

E.Radar level gauge

The radar level gauge is the information that is reflected from the liquid surface by the microwave (electromagnetic wave with very short wavelength) declared by the exploration itself.

Advantages: can measure liquid level in pressure vessel, can ignore the influence of high temperature, high pressure, scale and condensate;High precision;No direct touch with medium;Corrosion resistance;Can be used in vacuum environment;Simple equipment.

F.Ultrasonic level gauge

Ultrasonic level gauge is the signal conversion of liquid/object level azimuth after ultrasonic wave reflected by the liquid surface declared by the exploration itself.

Advantages: no direct touch with medium;Corrosion resistance;High precision;Simple equipment.

G.Bubble method

The bubble method is to inflate into the medium through the bottom of the air source stabilizer.Only when the air pressure in the air supply system is balanced with the hydrostatic pressure at the bottom of the container will the gas enter the container from the trachea to form bubbles.The static pressure at the measuring point can be converted by measuring the pressure in the air supply system, and then the liquid level value can be obtained.

Advantages: corrosion resistance;High temperature media can be measured.

Tank Side Indicator – Servo Tank Gauge

The compact Tank Side Indicator (TSI) is a digital display unit that provides a safe and convenient way to read gauging data from industry standard Enraf ATG and XTG servo tank gauges at ground level.

The compact Tank Side Indicator (TSI) is a digital display unit that provides a safe and convenient way to read gauging data from industry standard Enraf ATG and XTG servo tank gauges at ground level. Easy to install and mountable in a variety of ways – on a wall or railing, for example – it’s easy to read, saves time and helps to promote safety by eliminating unnecessary tank climbing.

Optional keyboard

An optional keyboard allows the user to issue gauge commands (such as repeatability tests and up & down displacer movement with a servo tank gauge). It is possible to scroll through extended screen formats for more detailed information on.

Benefits Of Tank Gauge System

Fuel is an asset. Protecting this asset and using it wisely is crucial to a profitable operation. That’s where a tank gauge system can pay big dividends, as they work to do more than just measure the level of fuel left in storage tanks but also save money and increase efficiency in a variety of ways.

With sensors and other data-tracking components incorporated into the fuel framework, owners and operators stay aware of everything from fuel levels to temperature, pressure, and other key details.

Smart Flash Infrared Servo Gauge

With only 3 moving parts (drum assembly, gear assembly, and stepper motor) and only two PC boards (the CPU and the strain servo gauge amplifier), L&J has minimized parts to ensure reliability.

Brushless design eliminates the inherent problem of friction and wear on the contacts.

The servo gauge is the most compact and lightest servo available today.

Automation of tank terminal systems

Article Summary

Refinery tank terminal automation are the largest units in terms of numbers of plant items in any refinery. Refineries handle a huge stock of crude oil and product inventories, which invariably involves high capital investment. Accurate inventory is critical to terminal operations and to reconciling hydrocarbons within the plant. However, the complex and dynamic nature of the operation can make it difficult to pinpoint current tank levels or predict a refinery’s future inventory. This can result in increased operational expense to fulfill existing commitments and an inability to execute future orders. This article focuses on new horizons in the field of automation in tank terminal automation management systems and also highlights the challenges arising.

Challenges in refineries

Refineries continuously strive to better their standards and uphold effective best practices in the areas of operation, accounting, loss control and overall hydrocarbon management to deliver significant cost savings and reduce their environmental impact. To improve their hydrocarbon management, refineries should continuously evaluate their perception of the principles and effects of the measurement of oil movement and storage to understand the errors involved. This should help them towards better management of hydrocarbon inventory.

Refiners are under pressure to increase refining margin by reducing inventory, optimising crude mix and reducing product quality giveaway at the same time as producing more grades to tighter product and environmental specifications. Economic benefits result from improved planning and scheduling, coupled with tighter control and increased operational assurance and flexibility.

Refinery tank terminal automation operations involve a list of tasks and oil movements like crude receipt and storage, process unit feeds and crude blending, process unit rundowns, intermediate product storage, component storage, blended product storage and dispatch through ships, pipeline, road trucks and rail wagons. Significant improvement in the operation and management of the off-sites can be achieved through refinery automation.