Checking for Tank Gauge Failure in an Oil Tank

Only an approximation of the existing fuel level may be provided by the float tank gauge with LTD-level temperature and density. It may even fail to provide a good estimate if the float mechanism has malfunctioned.

Removing the outer shell and pushing the float downward is one method to check. The float should rise on its own after you release it. If it does not, you have a faulty float that requires expert repair. This can occur as a result of normal wear and tear on older tanks.

Also, the arm beneath the tank gauge with LTD-level temperature and density might swivel and become jammed against the side of the tank. Finally, floats might become coated in thick muck, which weights them down and prevents them from functioning correctly.

What does a level gauge do?

What is a liquid level gauge? What is a liquid level indicator?

A liquid level gauge, also known as a liquid level indicator, is a meter for measuring liquid levels in a vessel such as a process tank, barrel, or drum.

How does a liquid level gauge work?

A liquid level gauge utilizes a mechanical float to indicate to a sensor what the liquid level is.

What does a liquid level gauge do?

Liquid level gauges can be used in various industrial applications to measure fluid levels in process tanks, barrels, and drums. Given the variety of uses, level gauges come in many forms and are made to simplify the process of determining fluid level within a container. Krueger Sentry fabricates a variety of gauges to meet your most standard to aggressive liquid and chemical measuring needs.

What are the benefits of a liquid level gauge?

Liquid level gauges ensure that proper readings are being obtained.
They are durable and long-lasting.

They are beneficial in more severe environments, such as those where higher temperatures or higher pressures are a factor.

Improving Worker Safety with Automatic Tank Gauge

The automatic tank gauge is a float actuated tape driven gauge and by means of a digital counter indicates float travel accurately to 1/16 inch. The 92021 meets all the specifications and recommendations of the American Petroleum Institute in accordance with API Bulletin 2509B.

This automatic tank gauge comes equipped with the Acutrak 90TM modular cartridge kit. The kit consists of a spring motor drum, a power hub and a stainless steel constant power spring. The cartridge and tape drum are constructed of RYTON®, a specially engineered polymer that offers outstanding chemical resistance, mechanical strength and abrasion resistance. Also included in the automatic tank gauge is an accurately perforated stainless steel tape. Bearing loads are well distributed through Teflon bushings rotating on polished stainless steel shafts.

Local readout is by means of a digital counter featuring large black numerals on a white background. Remote reading is added by simply removing the counter housing cover, installing a 2’’ coupling and bolting a transmitter in place of the counter housing cover. Gauge calibration is quick and easy. Loosen screws and swing open access plate; then simply rotate large inch wheel until counter wheels are set. This is the fastest and most positive calibration available on any float actuated counter type automatic tank gauge.

Choice of materials, rugged construction and counter housing sealed from automatic tank gauge head permits application of the gauging system to a wide variety of environmental conditions. An operational checker for manually jogging the tape to insure a “free movement” system is standard on automatic tank gauge head as well as provisions for optional high and low level limit switches. A hand crank for manually raising and lowering the float is also optional. Complete accessory kits are available for all standard and most special tank configurations and cover a broad selection of materials.

Tank Gauge for LPG LNG Solution Measurement and control

Measuring and managing of tank gauge for LPG LNG inventories is a sophisticated task. We offer the high quality instrumentation you need in combination with in-depth industry know how and engineering and maintenance services.

The challenge A typical tank gauge for LPG LNG works with a wide range of instruments to measure liquid level, liquid density, liquid and vapour temperature, liquid and vapour pressure, skin temperature and much more. Addionally you have to make sure that two layers of different densities are not rapidly mixing with the side effect of large amounts of gas being released, also known as rollover.

Our solution Our high accurate level gauges and instrumentation in addition with the inventory management system guarantee you highest transparency of inventories in the plant or headquarters. Keeping the constant temperature of the liquid gas, such as -200°C, also results in many technological challenges in handling cold temperatures. We offer a temperature monitoring system for the cooling down and the leak detection. In addition our LTD system monitors the level, temperature, density profiling and rollover prediction. That is not only important if you want to know what is happening in the tank, but also helps you to determine the next process actions.

What is the purpose of a density meter?

This density meter is easy to grip and control even when you’re wearing thick work gloves. The narrow 1″ (2.5 cm) depth lets you maneuver in tight spaces.

Density meter features a pipette-style pump for good sample flow control — no bellows or bulb to rupture and leak. To draw in a sample, simply press the lever at the top of the density meter with your thumb.

View density meter, specific gravity, % concentration, or sample temperature on the large LCD. Press lever again to discharge sample.

Store up to 1024 readings with a push of a button. Access permanently stored concentration tables including % Brix, % alcohol, proof, °Baume, °Plato, API gravity, specific gravity at reference temperature, and % H2SO4. Durable density meter housing is sealed against pump spills.

Advantages in the use of level gauge

1. Continuous and accurate measurement: Because the radar level gauge is not in contact with the measured medium, and it is very little affected by temperature, pressure, gas, etc.

2. Convenient maintenance and simple operation: The radar level gauge has fault alarm and self-diagnosis functions.

3. Wide application range: non-contact measurement, good directivity, low transmission loss, and more measurable media.

4. Simple installation: In various industry applications, the radar level gauge can be directly installed on the top of the storage tank. The advantages of simple installation and other advantages have become the first choice for the general public. Next, let’s talk about the problems often encountered in the process of use.

Tank Terminal Automation Solution Overview

A complete tank terminal automation solution helps lower the cost of ownership while improving the efficiency and performance of terminal operations.

Our solution includes Inventory Management, SCADA, accounting and Load Rack tank terminal automation applications that integrate with tank gauges, operator interfaces and communication devices to provide tank terminal automation, control and management for fuel and other bulk liquids.

Automatic Tank Gauge – Reduced Loss and Instant Tracking

Accuracy – Accurate up to .1″. Sensors have a 2-year warranty, and can be easily replaced or recalibrated.

Reliability – Automatic tank gauge to eliminate human error.

Fast – The level information, temperature readings, exact date and time, driver ID, truck ID, leak information, high and low level alarms are all sent instantly to the web to provide real-time data.

Transparency and Security – This information can increase automatic tank gauge security by providing the who, what, when, and where when valuable condensate, oil, and gasoline come up missing. We can even install security cameras to snap pictures or stream video straight to the web.

Eliminates safety risk – The driver doesn’t have to get close to the automatic tank gauge, climb on top of a tank etc. This nearly eliminates the possibility of a slip and fall accident as well as many other accidents that are possible while manually automatic tank gauge.

Gas One Propane Tank Gauge for LPG Capacity Adapter

Monitor Your Fuel Level Made of brass, the tank gauge for LPG offers an easy way to keep an eye on your fuel tank. You don’t have to be concerned about whether or not your gas will cut off in the middle of grilling, as our tank gauge for LPG will make it readable for you. With 3 modes, you’ll be able to see if your gas is full, low, or in need if a refill.

Universal fitting connection: Gas Ones propane tank gauge for LPG has a universal fitting (QCC-1) made for standardized 5 lbs. to 20 lbs. propane gas tanks, an easy to install connection for the purpose of reading an accurate propane level.

Solid brass connection – built with a solid brass construction to ensure a sturdy and durable connection, with sufficient heat resistance.

Easy hassle-free connection – ready to use right out the box, just simply attach Gas Ones propane tank gauge for LPG on to your standard propane tank and its ready for use

Easy to read, colored indicator – Gas Ones propane tank gauge for LPG has a meter that reacts to the pressure of the propane tank, there are three-built-in indicator levels labeled refill, low gas, gas to ensure an easy and accurate reading.