Integrated Marine Tank Gauging System

DTGS – Marine Tank Level Monitoring Made Easy

Designed for smaller vessels, and providing electronic measurement with a centralised display, the Digital Tank Gauging System (DTGS) is a packaged marine tank level monitoring system offering clear accuracy and functional advantages compared to mechanical and visual level gauges.

A Tank Gauging System That is Cost-Effective and Simple to Operate

The DTGS offers a complete tank monitoring system with remote display options and simple cabling. A real-time display with history logging means remote tank monitoring has never been easier.

Where required, parts are certified for installation in a hazardous area and approved by major classification societies for use in marine applications. They are suitable for fuel, lube oil, water, bilge and ballast level tanks.

The DTGS allows the benefits of electronic measurement transmitters and centralised display with alarm handling to be used for fuel and service tanks, but at a reduced cost compared to a radar based inventory systems or transmitters connected to a PLC running custom software.

Each DTGS marine tank gauging system can be configured to the application, based on the actual number, size and type of tanks to be measured, and provides a system which offers clear accuracy and functional advantages compared to mechanical and visual level gauges.

What is the use of density meter?

A comprehensive quality assurance covering the entire pro duction process is a must in any industrial sector. Density meter are frequently used for this purpose, especially in the pharmaceutical, chemical, petrochemical as well as the food and beverage industry. They allow the manufacturer to analyse raw materials, semi-finished and finished products as well as the manufacturing steps in terms of a number of factors.

Density meter can be used to identify substances, to determine their quality or purity and to measure their concentration in binary or quasi-binary mixtures. Substance conversions and reaction dynamics can also be inferred from it. In combination with other methods such as refractometry that measures the refractive index of substances, the density meter allows you to make precise statements about the quality of each step of the production process. This requires that the measured samples are kept at an exact temperature as the density meter depends strongly on the temperature. A change by 0.1 °C would mean a de viation of the measurement value between 0.0001 and 0.0003 g/cm³.

However, reliable measurement results are not enough in today’s general economic conditions. The ever increasing cost and efficiency pressure calls for density meter measurement solutions that can be easily integrated into any production process, manage with very little sample volumes and deliver fast results. Of the three density meter measurement methods used nowadays – the areometric, pycnometric and oscillating U-tube method –, the latter method best meets these requirements.

Tank gauge with LTD-level temperature and density

The tank gauge with LTD-level temperature and density employs the Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) principle. A frequency sweeping microwave signal is emitted by the Radar through a stand pipe. The distance is derived from the time delay of the reflected signal from the liquid surface. The stand pipe is delivered to match the total tank height. The pipes have ventilation holes allowing the vapour pressure inside and outside the pipe to stabilize, thus allowing the liquid to rise or fall unimpeded in the pipe.

The electronic unit in the tank gauge with LTD-level temperature and density includes a unique signal detection method that ensures optimum performance. Combined with its superb signalto- noise ratio, GLA-310/F offers a high measurement reliability and accuracy.

Each tank gauge with LTD-level temperature and density is connected to a dedicated signal processing unit, which includes the processing of radar microwave signals and the intrinsically safe interface to the instruments located in hazardous area.

STG Servo Tank Gauge

The servo tank gauge is an intelligent tank gauge for high accuracy liquid level measurement. The servo tank gauge can also determine the interfaces between three liquids, specific gravity of these liquids and tank bottom. All calibration and operating functions can be made via the user friendly Matrix program and touch sensitive keypad.

  • Output signals: RS-485, MODBUS, Mark Space and Enraf BPM protocol.
  • Suitable for atmospheric & high pressure applications up to 363 psi.
  • FM, ATEX & CSA approved for use in hazardous areas.
  • NMI approved for custody transfer applications.
  • Measures liquid to an accuracy of +/- 0.7 mm.

How do you calibrate a level gauge?

Calibrating a capacitive level gauge is quick and easy, and can be done in six steps. Before calibrating your capacitor, take inventory of the buttons and hardware, to first familiarize yourself with the buttons and display you’ll be monitoring.

Step 1: Press “Up” Buttons

To begin calibrating your capacitive level gauge, the first step is to connect the loop power supply and ammeter to “plus” and “minus”, and then connecting the other end to the calibrator. Press both “up” buttons, holding down for 3 seconds, then let go.

Step 2: Press ”Down” Buttons

Next, the level gauge will have to be placed in calibration mode. To do this, press both “down” buttons, holding for 3 seconds again, and let go. At this stage, there should be no water on the level gauge.

Step 3: Press “Z” Until You Reach 4mA

Now, the level gauge should be calibrated at its zero point. This is the low scale, and shows as 4mA. To reach this level, press down on the “Z” button until the display reaches 4 mA.

Step 4: Raise Water Level

Once the device gets to 4mA, fill the column with water, so that it can reach the high level of the level gauge. This is known as the “reference water”.

Step 5: Adjust Span to Indicate 20mA

After the water reaches the top of the column, it is time to get the appropriate, full scale reading of the level gauge, at 20mA. To do so, press the “S” buttons until the device reaches 20mA.

Step 6: Verify Low Water Level Is 4mA

Finally, return the water level to zero, to verify that the low water level is reading at 4mA.

Tank Gauge with LTD-level Temperature and Density Technologies

Two types of measurement methods are used for tank gauge with LTD-level temperature and density: volume or mass based. In a volume based system, level is measured. In a mass based system, the measurement of the hydrostatic pressure of the liquid column is used. The users choice should, therefore, be based on how product inventory is calculated and accounted via volume or weight.

Both methods provide a direct measurement of one factor in the inventory equation, level or pressure. However, bulk storage tanks tend to have large diameters, store products with varying densities that can stratify, and require consideration for high tank levels and overfill protection. A small change in level can make a big difference in accountable volumes (level x diameter), while stratification can lead to level changes that are undetectable by mass based systems.

Float and Tape Tank Gauge with LTD-level Temperature and Density

These instruments have been the liquid level measurement technique of the petroleum tank gauge with LTD-level temperature and density market for over 90 years due to their simplicity, reliability and cost.

Float and tape tank gauge solution consists of a 2500 ATG selected for the appropriate tank type. The instrument provides a measurement to +/- 4 mm accuracy and tank side display that is suitable for inventory management to API specifications. If control room integration and volumetric calculations are required, a 2920 FTT tank gauge transmitter is recommended with a 8500 STS for spot temperature measurement. The selection of the transmitter often depends on the required or existing field communications and protocols. The 2500 ATG/2920 FTTcombination is ATEX approved and is also able to provide optional contact outputs for triggering alarms or relays. If only an analog (4…20 mA) level output is required (without temperature) the 8200 COT can be used.

This article comes from varec edit released

Top 10 advantages of Non-invasive Ultrasonic Level Gauge

1. Good versatility. Level gauge can measure all kinds of tanks, spherical tanks, vertical tanks, horizontal tanks, and other irregular tanks

2. Two-wire system. 24V DC power supply, lower power consumption, safer. Reduce wiring costs.

3. The sensor realizes non-contact or non-invasive measurements to improve the probe’s resistance to harsh process conditions.

4. Stm32 microcontroller technology embedded in the application makes precision a more accurate, more intelligent instrument.

5. Easy to install. Large installation space and other auxiliary facilities are not required. The level gauge is easy to install, maintain, and use.

6. It can not only display on site but also send a control signal to connect DCS or SIS system.

7. Strong adaptability, a wide range of applications. It is not affected by dielectric conductivity, dielectric constant, pressure, and so on, and has strong adaptability to the physical and chemical properties of the measured liquid.

8. Non-contact measurement. The ultrasonic transducer is installed at the bottom of the tank wall. The level gauge is not affected by the medium. No hole is needed.

9. There are no mechanically movable parts. Avoid mechanical failure, no wear, and tear, long service life, lightweight, maintenance-free.

10. Continuous measurement.

How To Digitize Your Tank Terminal Automation Management

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Tank gauging systems for the Oil & Gas industry

ttEnsure transparent, accurate, and safe measurement of tank inventory.

Precise measurement and control of bulk liquids during transfer and storage are of vital importance to oil and gas companies. Plant managers must ensure transparency and protect personnel at all times, whilst meeting performance objectives for supply chain, tank utilization, and throughput, and minimizing unaccounted losses and operational costs.

We offering seamless connectivity to existing tank gauging systems and field instrumentation, our broad portfolio includes simple to install radar and servo gauges and average temperature sensor to enable flexible, dependable, and precise measurement and management of inventory. Especially when combined with our expert consulting, connected monitoring and support, this increased control yields significant planning and productivity gains and cost savings, all with certified compliance.

Enhance your oil and gas bulk liquid custody transfer and storage with tank gauging systems. Our solutions span all your tank gauging applications, from refineries to depots and terminals. Our worldwide network of dedicated experts will accompany you throughout the asset lifecycle, from front-end engineering design to operations and maintenance.

Advantages of level gauge & float switches

There are many advantages of water level controls, also known also level gauge, including:


Living in an age where we need to be more conscious of the energy that we use, a water level controller is ideal at saving power. Normally, regulating water levels can consume electricity and wastewater. However, with automatic controllers, the electricity usage is limited as well as less water needed to regulate supply.


A water level controller helps save money by limiting the waste of water and electricity. These devices accurately regulate how much energy is used to protect against any unnecessary water/electricity usage. Over time, the money saved is quite substantial.


Another notable advantage with these devices is that they regulate on their own. Eliminating manual operations with a timer switch, the frustrations of manual monitoring water tanks are minimized. Water levels are maintained at the appropriate levels thanks to the automatic operations of these devices.


On average, water pumps are used more during midday. A water level controller can maximize the water usage provided during midday while automatically lessening the water usage at night. This results in an appropriate level gauge of water at all times being maintained, while providing you with the maximum use of your water at the appropriate times.


Addressing the durability problems found in earlier designs, the solid-state electronics in the newer models help to eliminate them. Not only do they help to eliminate the durability issues, but they also create considerable savings of the life span of the unit with an advanced modular design. In order to minimize problem areas of these designs, the only moving parts are the relays. These relays are easily replaced and tested by any skilled operator or electrician while being an inexpensive part.


Proving to be less costly, over time, than the original float design for the ‘toilet tank’. The solid-state electronics are designed to minimize volt usage (less than 1 volt). This directly minimizes the mineral fouling, plating, rusting, and deterioration of probes, proving to be safer and more efficient. These factors extend the life span of the controllers significantly, which saves money and energy.


These new solid-state electronics and integrated electronics offer superior performance, hassle-free installation, and lower cost to operate over time when compared to the lifespan of the original design. For continuous monitoring, the integrated firmware and digital dry-contact circuitry easily and quickly connect to the automation systems of a building. Each function of the integrated electronics and relays use LED lights to offer operators the ability to visually scan them in order to verify proper operations.