Servo Tank Gauge Datasheet

Servo tank gauge operates using the principle of fluid displacement to provide continuous level measurement to an accuracy of ±1mm. A highly sensitive torque measurement system continually measures the effective weight of a displacer and maintains the displacer in equilibrium at the interface between different fluids. The displacer is suspended on a stainless steel wire and is raised or lowered from a wire drum housed in the Gauge Head.

The drum is driven by a servomotor control mechanism via a magnetic coupling, thereby reducing friction to a minimum and isolating the control mechanism from the servo tank gauge environment.

Servo tank gauge functions can be accessed locally by a pushbutton located on the Gauge Display Unit or remotely using servo tank gauge software such as MTG 5000 Inventory Management System. Servo tank gauge functions can be controlled either locally from the Gauge Display Unit or remotely from a host computer. Current data for Level, Temperature and Gauge Status are stored locally in the Gauge and can be retrieved by the host computer or displayed on the servo tank gauge Display Unit local to the Gauge head.

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Custody Tansfer Servo Tank Gauge

The servo tank gauge is a high accuracy gauge designed for use in custody transfer servo tank gauge applications. Our servo tank gauge exceeds the requirements of UK weights and measures standards for tank gauges.

Our Servo Level Gauge is a reliable, versatile and accurate automatic tank gauge, the servo gauge has been designed for ease of installation with minimal moving parts.

The servo tank gauge is designed to measure all kinds of liquid and can be situated either in free space or stillwells. The servo tank gauge can easily be linked to our tank gauging system or to an existing tank monitoring system.

The servo tank gauge include the options to link the gauge to feature like temperature measurement (spot and averagetemperature are available) temerature profiling, full integration to management system, density measurement and much more.

Servo Tank Gauge Features and benefits:

  • ±1 mm level accuracy
  • ATEX Certified intrinsically safe
  • Suitable for use with the range of modern storage tank designs
  • LCD Display Panel
  • Integrated temperature probe interface ±0.1°C
  • Integral water level and density profile detection
  • Optional Tankside Remote Display
  • 2-wire Fieldbus
  • Compatible with NT5000 Tank Gauging System and other Host Systems
  • Gauge options for fixed roof, floating roof and stillpipe applications
  • Gas tight process connection rated to 150 psi (Standard)

This article comes from MTP edit released

Multi-function Servo Tank Gauge

The Multi-function Servo Tank Gauge provides more information for Loss Control, Safety, Environmental, and Operations than any other tank gauge system ever developed.  It provides and exceeds data needed to meet a host of API Recommended Procedures or Standards for Overfill Protection, Rupture Monitoring (Over pressure & Vacuum), Product Quality (Sampling), Vapor Emissions Monitoring, Leak Detection, Product Stratification Monitoring for In-Tank Blending, Water Settling (Bleeding), etc. thus assuring payback on your investment.

The multi-function servo tank gauge provides more usable data from a single instrument than any tank gauge on the market. It is the most accurate tank gauge for Volume, Mass, average and multi-strata density, water content accurate level, multi-point and average temperature, and vapor pressure. An optional sensor is available for ambient pressure, ambient temperature, ambient density.

Physical Design</p

Physically, the multi-function servo tank gauge is a single stainless steel instrument with a standard diameter of 2” (other custom variations of probe diameter and materials are available.). The multi-function servo tank gauge requires one flange on the top of the tank and installs in sections. The standard configuration requires only two Intrinsically Safe electrical connections; one for power (12VDC) and one for communications (MODBUS RTU via RS 485).  The multi-function servo tank gauge has fewer terminations and potential failure points than other tank gauging systems using multiple instruments with multiple tank openings.

The multi-function servo tank gauge can be installed within or without a gauge well. When installed in a gauge well 6” or larger, there is enough room to perform manual hand lines or sampling.  This allows the verification of all measured parameters for Volume by Hybrid (Level, Temperature, Density, & Water) or Hydrostatic Method (Mass, Density, & Water) from the same physical location and product media.  This enables verification of the gauge calibration and accuracy in comparison to the known reference.

The multi-function servo tank gauge uses an O-ring seal flange at the tank top to allow continuous bottom referencing even if there is any tank bottom or roof movement.  An optional (Manually read or remotely read) TBMI “Tank Bottom and roof Movement Indicator” is also available.

All multi-function servo tank gauge pipe sections and sensor housings are machined and measured to precisely determine the exact location of each sensor. Standard multi-function servo tank gauge sensors are highly accurate absolute pressure transducers with Class A, 100 Ohm Platinum, Four wire RTDs. Optional sensors and combinations are available.


The design of the multi-function servo tank gauge is highly adaptable, and can be manufactured to meet the needs of multiple applications. The multi-function servo tank gauge has been installed into various tanks worldwide:

  • Tank Heights ranging from 8’ (2.43m) to 265’ (80.77m)
  • Climates (Tropical, Polar, Dry, Mild, Continental)
  • Clean Products (Gasoline, JP, etc.)
  • Dirty Products (Crude Oil, Lubricants, etc.)

This article comes from gaugingsystemsinc edit released

Servo Tank Gauge Instrument

The intelligent servo tank gauge is designed for high accuracy liquid level measurement in custody transfer and inventory control applications with NMi- and PTB-approvals. It meets all requirements for hygienic applications. It fulfills the exact demands of tank inventory management and loss control and is optimized in regards of total cost saving and safe operation.


  • Hardware and software developed according to IEC 61508 up to SIL3 (in homogeneous redundancy) for high level of safety
  • Maximum reliability through accuracy up to ±0.4mm (± 0.02″)
  • Developed according to international metrology recommendations such as OIML R85 and API MPMS
  • Local and country-specific certifications like NMi or PTB for custody transfer applications
  • Simplified installation and trouble-free operations due to easy connection to major DCS systems via open protocols
  • Measurement of interfaces between up to three liquid layers, tank bottom, spot, and profile densities

This article comes from endress edit released

Servo Tank Gauge

For use in the oil and gas industry, the servo-activated Model 80H series servo tank gauge is a level transmitter that measures tank-based product. Available as a level-only existing tank farm and as a multivariable instrument, the device has data-handling capabilities that allow measurement and transmission of data types from a gauge transmitter and external sensors. Data types include continuous level, spot or average temperature, pressure, interface level, density, and alarms.

Features include:

  • Field configuration without opening the enclosure
  • Electronics isolated from the tank atmosphere
  • Field communications options

This article comes from pharmaceuticalonline edit released

ATG Servo Advanced Tank Level Gauge

ATG servo tank gauge is a reliable, versatile and accurate automatic servo tank gauge with a minimum of moving parts, designed to measure all kinds of liquids in any type of storage tank. ATG servo tank gauges are compact and need only a 2″ mounting flange.

They can easily be integrated with existing SmartRadar, hydrostatic or hybrid gauging installations. The modular ATG servo tank gauge supports features like temperature measurement spot and average product temperature and product temperature profiles, full integration in a hybrid inventory management system, analog level output, density measurement, product interface, water/product interface measurement.

This article comes from lesman edit released

Servo Tank Gauge – Accurate Level Gauging for Custody Transfer & Inventory Control

Tank gauging is essential for the assessment of tank contents, tank inventory control and tank farm management. Portfolio of high-end radar & servo tank gauges help in accurate level gauging for refineries, tank terminals and petrochemical industries. Servo Tank Gauges are suitable for custody transfer as well as inventory control and are designed to be used in SIL-2/SIL-3 loops to prevent spillage.

The current servo level gauging technology includes the Advanced Tank Gauge (ATG) and the Xmitting Tank Gauge (XTG). The ATG and XTG series microprocessor-controlled servo gauges are compact and need only a 2″ mounting flange. The servo level gauges can easily be integrated with existing SmartRadar, hydrostatic or hybrid gauging installations.

How Does It Work?

Advanced Tank Gauge (ATG)

Designed for measuring all kinds of liquids in any type of storage tank, the series 854 ATG Servo Gauge is a reliable, versatile and accurate automatic tank gauge with minimal moving parts. The multi-functional instrument is modularly constructed. The option slot for additional features allows the connection of temperature measuring elements for spot and average product temperature, as well as product temperature profiles.

Xmitting Tank Gauge (XTG)

The 854 XTG Servo Gauge is a superior alternative to mechanical float and tape gauges or other low-cost level measuring devices. The standard field-proven two-wire correction of tank deformation, roof movement, drum deviation, wire weight and displacer fieldbus is utilized for connection to remote indicators, tank inventory systems and host systems.

What Problems Does It Solve?

​The Servo 854 is equipped with a Servo Auto Test feature which increases its safety, integrity and diagnostic coverage; enabling the servo level gauge to be used in overfill protection loops to prevent spillage. The increased diagnostics detect failures inside the level gauge or in the application and report this to higher level systems for further action. Additionally, the safety proof-test interval can be extended to 5 years, significantly bringing down operational costs.

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Servo Tank Gauges Working Principle

Servo tank gauges is the generic name given to the measurement of liquids (product) in bulk storage tanks with the aim of quantifying how much product is in the tank, “gauging the contents of a tank”. Today, the oil & gas industry uses the static measurement of the tank contents to account for product stored and product moved into and out of the tank.

There are many instruments and systems available that can provide the combination of measurements that will allow an accurate quantity assessment and, hence, good inventory management. In Practice, we use both Radar and Servo Level Transmitters for Tank Gauges.

Servo Tank Gauges Principle

The Servo tank  gauges system is based on the principle of displacement measurement. A small displacer is accurately positioned in the liquid medium using a servo motor. The displacer is suspended on a measuring wire that is wound onto a finely grooved drum housing within the instrument.

The drum is driven via coupling magnets, which are completely separated by the drum housing. Outer magnets are connected to the wire drum whilst the inner magnets are connected to the drive motor. As the magnets turn, the magnetic attraction causes the outer magnets to turn as well, resulting in turning the entire drum assembly. The weight of the displacer on the wire creates a torque on the outer magnets generating the change of magnetic flux. These changes generated between the drum assembly are detected by a unique electromagnetic transducer on the inner magnet. The drive motor is actuated to balance the voltage generated by the variations of magnetic flux to equal the reference voltage defined by the operating command.

When the displacer is lowered and touches the liquid, the weight of the displacer is reduced because of the buoyant force of the liquid. As a result, the torque in the magnetic coupling is changed and this change is measured usng Hall sensor, which are temperature compensated. The signal, an indication of the position of the displacer, is sent to the motor control circuit. As the liquid level rises and falls, the position of the displacer is adjusted by the drive motor. The rotation of the wire drum is precisely evaluated to determine the level value, which is accurate to an outstanding +/‐ 0.7 mm.

This article comes from instrumentationtools edit released

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