An intelligent servo tank gauge for high accuracy liquid level measurement

An intelligent servo tank gauge (STG) is a highly accurate and reliable instrument used for measuring the liquid level in storage tanks. These gauges are particularly crucial in industries such as oil and gas, chemicals, and other sectors that require precise liquid level measurement for inventory control, safety, and process management.

Key Features of an Intelligent Servo Tank Gauge

High-Accuracy Liquid Level Measurement:

  • Servo tank gauges operate by using a servo motor to precisely lower a displacer into the liquid, and the position of the displacer is continuously monitored.
  • The displacer moves in response to the liquid level and the gauge calculates the level based on the displacement force (buoyancy) experienced by the displacer.
  • This method ensures measurement accuracy typically within ±0.4 mm or better, making servo tank gauges suitable for applications requiring high precision, such as in custody transfer operations.

Temperature, Pressure, and Density Compensation:

  • Intelligent STGs often integrate additional sensors to measure temperature, pressure, and liquid density. These variables are essential for making accurate volume calculations, particularly in liquids that expand or contract with temperature changes.
  • This compensatory capability is important for improving measurement accuracy in large tanks containing volatile liquids or fluids with temperature-sensitive properties.

Advanced Digital Communication:

  • Intelligent servo gauges are equipped with modern communication interfaces such as HART, Modbus, Foundation Fieldbus, and Profibus. These communication protocols allow the servo gauge to transmit real-time data to central control systems or Distributed Control Systems (DCS).
  • This ensures remote monitoring, control, and diagnostics, making them integral to smart plant automation and IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) solutions.

Inventory Management:

  • The high accuracy of these gauges makes them well-suited for use in inventory management systems. In industries where large quantities of valuable liquids are stored, such as in oil refineries or petrochemical plants, maintaining accurate inventory is crucial to operational efficiency and cost control.
  • Servo gauges can provide detailed reports of tank levels, volumes, and mass in real-time, facilitating effective asset management.

Overfill Protection:

  • Safety is a major concern in the storage of hazardous or flammable liquids. Intelligent servo tank gauges often include features like high-level alarms and overfill protection, automatically alerting operators if the liquid reaches a critical level.
  • This prevents spills or overfilling incidents, which can cause environmental damage and lead to costly shutdowns or regulatory fines.

Multi-Point Measurement:

  • Some servo gauges can measure the liquid level at multiple points within the tank, providing a profile of the liquid surface. This is particularly useful in tanks that store liquids with varying densities or mixtures.
  • Such multi-point measurements can be used for detecting floating roofs on tanks, monitoring interface levels (between liquids of different densities), and calculating the exact liquid volume in sloped-bottom tanks.

Self-Calibration and Diagnostics:

  • Intelligent servo gauges often feature self-calibration and diagnostic capabilities. They can automatically adjust themselves to ensure continuous accuracy and provide predictive maintenance alerts, notifying operators of potential issues before they lead to failures or downtime.
  • These capabilities significantly reduce the need for manual calibration and maintenance interventions, improving overall system reliability and reducing operational costs.

Redundancy and Backup Systems:

  • High-end intelligent servo tank gauges may come with redundant systems to ensure continuous operation even in the event of a failure. This is particularly valuable in critical applications, such as custody transfer, where any downtime can have significant financial consequences.

Applications of Intelligent Servo Tank Gauges

Oil and Gas Industry:

  • Used in crude oil tanks, gasoline storage, and other petroleum products, where precision in liquid level and volume measurements is essential for inventory control, custody transfer, and environmental safety.

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries:

  • In industries where liquids can be volatile, toxic, or hazardous, accurate measurement with built-in safety features such as overfill protection ensures safe storage and handling.

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Storage:

  • Due to the high value and specific properties of LNG, servo gauges provide accurate measurements even under cryogenic conditions, and they compensate for the expansion and contraction of LNG with temperature fluctuations.

Refineries and Bulk Terminals:

  • Servo tank gauges are used to manage large volumes of liquids, from crude oil to refined products, enabling efficient transfer between tanks and pipelines.

Food and Beverage Industry:

  • For handling large volumes of liquids, such as oils or liquid ingredients, servo gauges ensure that storage tanks are monitored accurately for both inventory control and quality assurance.

Benefits of Using an Intelligent Servo Tank Gauge

  • High Precision: Essential for custody transfer, where measurement errors can lead to significant financial losses.Real-time Monitoring: Continuous data transmission ensures that operators always have access to the latest tank status.Operational Safety: Integrated safety features such as overfill alarms prevent accidents and ensure regulatory compliance.Cost-Efficiency: Reduces the need for frequent manual inspections and calibration, leading to lower operating costs.Data Integration: Seamless integration with inventory management and automation systems optimizes workflow and resource allocation.

The intelligent servo tank gauges provide a reliable and accurate solution for liquid level measurement, offering advanced features for inventory management, safety, and process optimization across multiple industries.

Gauging devices For LNG tank gauging system

LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) tank gauging systems require highly accurate and reliable devices to ensure proper measurement of tank levels, temperature, and density due to the sensitive and volatile nature of LNG. Here are the key gauging devices commonly used in LNG tank gauging systems:

1. Radar Level Gauges

  • Description: These non-contact radar gauges use microwave pulses to measure the liquid level by detecting the time delay between emission and reflection of the radar signal.
  • Types:
    • Guided Wave Radar: Uses a probe to guide the radar waves, offering higher accuracy in LNG tanks.
    • Non-Contact Radar: Measures the level by emitting waves from the top of the tank.
  • Advantages:
    • High precision and reliability, even under extreme temperature and pressure conditions.
    • Suitable for large tanks and capable of measuring in cryogenic environments.

2. Servo Tank Gauges

  • Description: Servo gauges use a displacer that is lowered into the tank and suspended in the liquid. The system measures the force required to keep the displacer balanced, which corresponds to the liquid level.
  • Advantages:
    • High accuracy in measuring both level and density.
    • Can be combined with other devices for additional measurements like temperature.

3. Float and Tape Gauges

  • Description: These traditional gauges use a float that rests on the surface of the LNG and is connected to a tape or wire. The position of the float is used to determine the level.
  • Advantages:
    • Simple, reliable, and low maintenance.
    • Accurate for basic level measurement in less complex environments.
  • Limitations:
    • May not be as accurate or suitable for highly dynamic or critical LNG systems.

4. Capacitance Level Gauges

  • Description: These gauges measure the change in capacitance between two conductive plates or probes as the LNG level changes.
  • Advantages:
    • Accurate in measuring both level and liquid density.
    • Suitable for cryogenic environments like LNG tanks.
  • Limitations: Susceptible to changes in liquid composition and vapor phase, requiring compensation.

5. Temperature Sensors

  • Description: LNG tank gauging systems require temperature measurements at various levels within the tank. Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) or thermocouples are often used.
  • Advantages:
    • Accurate monitoring of LNG temperature, which is critical for density and volume calculations.
    • Provides compensation for thermal stratification within the tank.

6. Pressure Sensors

  • Description: These sensors measure the vapor pressure in the tank and the pressure at different levels within the liquid to help determine the level and density of LNG.
  • Advantages:
    • Essential for calculating the mass of LNG in the tank.
    • Can also detect abnormal pressure changes to prevent potential safety hazards.

7. Density Profiling Sensors

  • Description: These sensors measure the density of LNG at various heights within the tank. Combined with level measurement, it provides accurate mass and volume calculations.

8. Tank Management Software

  • Description: Modern LNG tank gauging systems often integrate with advanced software that collects data from various sensors (level, temperature, density, etc.) and processes it to provide real-time information on tank contents.
  • Advantages:
    • Provides complete inventory management.
    • Enables remote monitoring and alerts for abnormal conditions.

9. Hybrid Gauging Systems

  • Description: These systems combine different gauging technologies like radar, servo, and capacitance gauges to improve accuracy, redundancy, and reliability in LNG tank measurement.
  • Advantages:
    • More reliable in complex LNG tank environments.
    • Can measure multiple parameters (level, temperature, density) simultaneously.

10. Mass Flow Meters (Coriolis Meters)

  • Description: These meters measure the mass flow rate of LNG as it enters or leaves the tank, providing crucial data for custody transfer applications.
  • Advantages:
    • Highly accurate mass flow measurement.
    • Often used in tandem with level gauges for real-time inventory management.

These devices, often integrated into a comprehensive tank gauging system, help ensure the safe and efficient management of LNG storage and transport by providing real-time, accurate data on liquid levels, temperatures, and densities.

Portable density meter for measuring the specific gravity of battery acids

A portable density meter is an essential tool for measuring the specific gravity of battery acids, providing quick and accurate data to assess the charge and health of batteries, especially in industries like automotive, solar power systems, and industrial applications.

Key Features of Portable Density Meters for Battery Acid:

  1. Specific Gravity Measurement: These devices measure the density of the battery acid (electrolyte) relative to water, which is crucial for determining the state of charge of lead-acid batteries. A higher specific gravity indicates a fully charged battery, while a lower value suggests a discharged or faulty battery.
  2. Digital Display: Most modern portable density meters come with an easy-to-read digital display that shows the specific gravity in real time, offering precision without manual calculations.
  3. Lightweight and Handheld Design: These meters are compact, portable, and designed for use in the field or factory settings. They are built to withstand industrial environments, making them easy to carry and use for on-site measurements.
  4. Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC): Since temperature can affect the density of the acid, ATC ensures that the specific gravity readings are adjusted according to the temperature of the battery acid, providing more accurate results.
  5. High Precision: Portable density meters typically provide measurements with high precision, often in the range of ±0.001 g/cm³ or better, making them ideal for monitoring battery health.


  1. Quick and Accurate: Portable density meters provide immediate readings, allowing for fast assessments of battery condition without the need for complex instruments or lab setups.
  2. Non-Destructive Testing: They allow for non-invasive testing, meaning there’s no need to extract large amounts of electrolyte, which helps preserve the battery’s integrity.
  3. Ease of Use: These devices are user-friendly and require minimal training, allowing operators to measure specific gravity with ease.
  4. Versatility: In addition to battery acids, many portable density meters can be used to measure the density of other fluids, making them versatile for various applications in the automotive, aviation, and energy storage industries.

How It Works:

  1. Sample Collection: A small sample of the battery acid is drawn into the device using a pipette or suction mechanism.
  2. Measurement: The device measures the density of the sample and compares it to water, calculating the specific gravity.
  3. Reading: The specific gravity is displayed on the digital screen, along with any temperature-corrected values if ATC is included.


  1. Battery Maintenance: Regular monitoring of the specific gravity of battery acids helps in assessing the charge level, identifying issues like sulfation, and scheduling maintenance or replacement.
  2. Automotive and Aviation: In vehicles and aircraft, portable density meters help ensure that the batteries are functioning optimally, preventing power failures.
  3. Renewable Energy Systems: In solar and wind energy storage systems, these meters are used to maintain lead-acid battery banks, ensuring efficient energy storage and use.

Popular Models:

  • Anton Paar DMA 35: A well-known portable density meter that offers high accuracy and durability, ideal for fieldwork and specific gravity measurements.
  • Mettler Toledo Portable Density Meter: Known for its precision and ease of use in battery maintenance.
  • Hydrometers: Although not as advanced as digital density meters, analog hydrometers are simple tools that are still widely used for battery acid testing.

In conclusion, portable density meters are vital instruments for assessing the specific gravity of battery acids, ensuring battery efficiency, longevity, and safety.

Modern Storage Facilities for Servo Tank Gauge

Modern storage facilities for servo tank gauges are designed with advanced technologies to ensure the accurate and efficient measurement of liquid levels, especially for bulk storage of products like petroleum, chemicals, and LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas). These facilities integrate high-precision servo gauges with automation systems for real-time monitoring, safety, and control. Some key features include:

  1. Real-time Data Collection: Servo tank gauges can precisely measure liquid levels, density, and temperature in storage tanks, ensuring accurate inventory control.
  2. Automated Systems: Modern storage facilities often integrate these gauges with SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems or cloud-based solutions for remote monitoring and control.
  3. Safety Systems: Facilities using servo tank gauges also have integrated safety features such as emergency shutdown systems, overfill protection, and leak detection, reducing environmental risks and hazards.
  4. Corrosion-Resistant Materials: The tanks and related infrastructure are often built with materials resistant to corrosion, particularly when storing aggressive chemicals, which extends the life and reliability of the servo gauge system.
  5. Calibration and Accuracy: Facilities maintain regular calibration of the servo gauges to ensure long-term accuracy and minimize errors in measurement.
  6. LNG and Cryogenic Storage: In cryogenic storage facilities, servo tank gauges are adapted to handle extremely low temperatures while maintaining measurement precision.
  7. Multi-tank Integration: Modern facilities often house several tanks of varying sizes and types, all managed through a centralized system that communicates with servo gauges, making it easier to manage large-scale operations.

These systems are widely used in industries like oil and gas, petrochemical, and chemical manufacturing, offering highly reliable and safe storage solutions.