Loading /Unloading System for Trucks
JOYO M&C loading control system is designed to conduct deliveries of oil products in high accuracy, high efficiency and high safety, fully meeting customers’ requirements and expectations in their daily operations. It has been proven a very competitive, cost-effective and reliable solution.
It covers a full set of functions as follows:
1.Automatic loading & unloading controls with high accuracy online flow metering;
2.All the onsite operations in the loading/unloading process are monitored by the system with reminding voices and words for each step, such as telling the driver to put the key into the key detector, to plug in the static and overfill cable plug, to put the loading arm back onto the docking rack, etc.;
3.Fully supports self-serviced billing operations onsite at the loading bays;
4.ESD for different operations;
5.Safety interlocks with multiple alarming inputs;
6.Any errors, including operating mistakes, leakage, inflammable gas content exceeding the limit, disconnection of the static and overfill cable plugs, oil level; approaching the HH or LL alarming value, and/or an emergency occurring onsite, etc., whenever being detected, will be immediately alarmed for treatments;
7. The loading control system can be easily switched into the offline mode in case of the system being out of work;
8. Automatic truck queueing with bay allocations massages being displayed on an outdoor screen in front of the entrance of the terminal;
9. Loading/unloading progress can be shown in a bar on the monitoring screen illustrating the percentage of the loading/unloading process;
10. All the loading data and alarms can be shared with upper level management platforms.
• Cost-effective, high accuracy and reliability;
• User-friendly design facilitates operations, with optional keypad or touch screen for loading input operations;
• It can operate as a standalone unit or as a part of an integrated Terminal Automation System;
• Easy installation and simple wiring;
• RS 485 ModBus as its standard communication mode.
System Architecture: